Mon - Aug 20, 2012 : 10:52 pm
0.51 daily views
2251 total views
It Has Begun!
Well, I'm happy to announce that after a month and a half of jumping through hoopes to get this thing off the ground, it has finally begun!
The construction of the new home for Advanced Budget Studios has officially started, and I cannot tell you how excited I am.
The only down part of this whole situation is - the waiting. I anticipate t...
Mon - Jul 23, 2012 : 10:29 am
0.60 daily views
2657 total views
Hopes set high!
Below is a photo of how my little studio looks right now...
Despite the fact that it's now nothing more than a bedroom, with piles of acoustic pucks and other audio paraphernalia scattered about, I've gotta say - "I'm over it."
In 3 days, I'll say goodbye to this place, and begin anticipating the construction of our new abode, as w...
Wed - Jul 18, 2012 : 12:06 am
0.48 daily views
2112 total views
Getting Real...
Today was spent with my good friend, and brother, Ryan (and his family, who happens to love my family!)
We spent the day moving all sorts of large items from our home into the storage space we're renting. From the kitchen table and chairs, to the couch downstairs, to the hutches - we made two trips full of items, with our mini-van and Dad'...
Personal / Studio
Sat - Jul 14, 2012 : 12:04 am
0.52 daily views
2300 total views
Out with the Old...
Wow... I can't believe it's here.
For those who don't know, Advanced Budget Studios resides as a single bedroom rigged up as a recording studio in my basement.
Thanks to all of you, I'd like to announce, both sadly, and beyond excitedly, that I have outgrown this little single-room studio. The acoustics, the size, and the location...
Babblings / Studio
Tue - Jun 19, 2012 : 06:19 pm
0.57 daily views
2539 total views
Lucid 8 - Blind World
So I've been working on a lot of projects lately, but one I thought to be of particular note was the song "Blind World" by Lucid 8. The song is well-made on a variety of levels, but one of the coolest aspects of this song is the way they presented it to me.
Jonny (drummer for Lucid 8) came to me and asked if could incorporate an ...
Wed - Jun 06, 2012 : 12:18 am
0.07 daily views
321 total views
The Arm of Our Nation
This was in response to people NOT SUPPORTING OUR TROOPS AND VETERANS. When the people calling our veterans scumbags and persecuting the people defending them - can defend our nation better than our veterans and soldiers, then they can say something. and NOT BEFORE!!!!
THE ARM OF OUR NATION! READ RIGHT NOW!!! and let me know wh...
Adversity / Depression / Everyday Thoughts / Family / Fasting / God / Good / Gospel / Lds / My Journal / Past Memories And Future Concerns / Politics / Religion / Spiritual / Writing
Wed - May 02, 2012 : 12:16 am
0.53 daily views
2390 total views
Studio 14 + ABS = ...?
So, a few years ago, when I had no idea what I was doing in the studio, a guy named Rich Bischoff contacted me and asked me to give him some drum samples from my studio. He didn't call me back. I don't blame him. hehe...
So, for the past 3 years, I've been dedicating myself to getting the studio to be the absolute best it can possibly...
Drums / Miscellaneous
Mon - Feb 27, 2012 : 04:42 pm
0.59 daily views
2699 total views
Musical Ramblings...
Okay, so I recently watched a documentary on the Foo Fighters called "Back and Forth", and I thought it was really well made - okay, I thought it was awesome. The funny thing is - I don't own a single Foo Fighters album, and am really not familiar with them as a band, even though I generally like the "rock" genre they asso...
Fri - Feb 17, 2012 : 11:06 am
0.72 daily views
3299 total views
Biggest Upgrades Ever
I don't even know where to start. Let's start at the beginning...
So, 10 years ago, I got a hair-brained idea to buy a keyboard and start writing and recording music. Seven years ago I thought it'd be a good idea to get a mic kit for my drums to learn how to record drums better. Three years ago the studio had its first paying c...
Audio Hardware
Tue - Feb 14, 2012 : 05:21 pm
1.07 daily views
4902 total views
Google Hangout Linux Fix
So, I just got a new Logitech C910 web cam, and when trying to join or create google hangouts, I couldn't see myself in the stream at all, nor anyone else's. I can hear everyone, and everyone can see me, but I can see nobody, nor myself. I found this gem of a site with a very easy solution.
I'm using gentoo Linux, and this simple tric...
Linux / Video
Sun - May 23, 2010 : 09:28 pm
no mood
0.22 daily views
1158 total views
Fun Pics
Since I don't blog very much I thought I would add just a whole bunch of fun pictures of the kids with the latest things that have been going on. So enjoy!
Above: This is the best Mother's Day picture we could get. The sun was shining right in the kids eyes.
Luci on her Zoo field trip. This was my group.
Children / Family
Sun - Oct 05, 2008 : 07:34 pm
0.65 daily views
3792 total views
Samuel is Here!
I'm still kind of in awe of it all, but .... holy cow.. Samuel Jason Jones has arrived!
We got into the car around 4:30pm after Sarah had been in labor since around 6:00am. Wow... What a trooper.
We arrived here at the hospital at 5:00pm anticipating his arrival around 10:00pm or so... Yeah right... Samuel had ot...
Children / Family / Personal
Tue - Jun 02, 2015 : 12:17 am
0.76 daily views
2590 total views
Studio vs Live...?
So, I recently went to a Walk Off The Earth concert, and it was awesome. Their concerts just keep getting better and better. As good as it was, that's not the purpose for this entry. The purpose is a guy named Scott Helman, and a thought he provoked.
Scott Helman performed for 30 minutes before WOTE came on stage. He...
Music / Studio
Sun - Jun 23, 2002 : 12:18 pm
no mood
0.29 daily views
2317 total views
Musical Nirvana in Cali
PoeticIntensity Yesterday was simply beautiful.....simply beautiful. I don't have NEAR enough time to write down exactly my feelings nor what happened...however - suffice it to say, yesterday was beautiful.
I got up yesterday morning and started packing up my drums almost immediately. I was supposed to be at Dane's house at 1:00pm and...
Thu - Mar 04, 2010 : 02:06 pm
0.57 daily views
3000 total views
2011 5.0 Mustang GT
Although I probably will never own one of these, it's just awesome that the pony cars are gettin' revved up again. Ford is definitely gonna bring up the competition with this beast. Bye-bye imports!
Sun - Apr 01, 2018 : 10:51 am
0.76 daily views
1796 total views
Solemn Assembly and Hell Week
Yesterday, I had the opportunity to attend the first solemn assembly I remember having attended. As I raised my hand in my bedroom while sustaining President Nelson, tears welled up in my eyes. I felt as if I was partaking in something very important. I was with Luci and Leah. Everyone else in my family was out doing o...
Personal / Spiritual / Studio-journey
Thu - Mar 26, 2009 : 09:54 pm
2.29 daily views
12909 total views
Tuning My Snare Drum
Well... Yesterday, a friend of mine had told me he had the privilege of being formally taught how to tune a snare drum.
I read what he had to say (he posted it on facebook, so if you're not his friend, I imagine you can't read it, but here's the link anyway)
So, today, I went and investigated a bit of whether I could get the proper tool...
Drums / Music
Tue - Aug 19, 2008 : 04:38 pm
0.48 daily views
2830 total views
Big Changes to ILMJ
As you most assuredly can see, if this is on the front-page of I Love My Journal, there have been some major changes here.
It all started about 2.5 weeks ago when I started reading some great comments people have been posting, and some really good entries from jonzee, and catherine.hahn. I felt people deserved a better place to post both th...
I Love My Journal
Wed - May 20, 2009 : 11:42 pm
no mood
0.14 daily views
789 total views
Adventures in Playland
I should of wrote about experience two months ago, but I just kept putting it off. So, I though I should tell this story before my memory fails me anymore than it already has and I can't remember all the details. Well, this happened on the way home from California on March 28th, 2009.
I was driving home with my sister Chloe, her daughter...
Kids / Life / Parenting
Fri - Jan 08, 2010 : 11:23 am
0.81 daily views
4328 total views
Recording Jeff Felix's "Peculiar"
Picking up new clients is always a good thing, but in the case of yesterday, it was a great thing.
I had the privilege of recording his new song, Peculiar, and it was very refreshing. It was a simple tune with some great acoustic guitar work, and vocals. Jason Jones added some percussion accents, and the song came to life.
Audio / Mixing / Music
Tue - Jan 20, 2009 : 09:41 pm
0.99 daily views
5665 total views
Studio Acoustic Treatment 1
Okay... Since I had recently returned from my mission in 1996, I knew I wanted to learn how to record music. Recording music swiftly turned into wanting to be able to record my drums. A couple of years ago, I was able to put enough money away to buy a load of recording equipment for my drums.
I've recorded quite a few diddies in...
Audio / Music
Thu - May 29, 2008 : 06:20 pm
0.99 daily views
5872 total views
Postgres Authentication in Proftpd
Today I was commissioned to create an FTP server here at work. Through persistent pestering of the hideously insecure nature of FTP in general, my boss let me dedicate an entire server just for the company's need to FTP. This was to negate the possibility of any hacking of the web server, should the FTP server be compromised. It's...
Computers / Gentoo / Linux
Sun - Jan 06, 2008 : 09:31 pm
no mood
0.97 daily views
5915 total views
Song - Livin' Right
(audio entry)
Okay. I've been working on a song since a while back, actually... I wrote the lyrics on the same night I wrote this entry.
Anyway... It's just about done. All I'm waiting for now is some seriously kicking piano tracks from my good friend Scott. As soon as I receive those, I'm all but sure they'll kick bootie, and I'll incoropor...
Audio / Music / Personal
Sun - Nov 02, 2008 : 10:10 pm
0.96 daily views
5570 total views
Samuel's Baby Blessing
Well... Today was the big day at church with the blessing of the newest addition to the Jones family, Samuel Jones.
The blessing went well, even if I did botch the proclamation of the power by which the blessing was given. I'm glad God is a forgiving God.
The spirit of the meeting was wonderful, and it testified quite powerfully of one sp...
Family / Friends / Lds / Personal / Spiritual
Wed - Jul 06, 2011 : 05:59 pm
0.94 daily views
4535 total views
PDFTK - Generate Issues
So, I've been working on this PDF project for awhile, and I think it might be beneficial for me to add some notes which were somewhat elusive on the net.
The FDF file which is generated by PDFTK generate is encoded in UTF-16 character set - and is very hard to work with. I found this script which solves the problem, and allows the FD...
Linux / Programming
Thu - May 22, 2008 : 08:26 pm
0.94 daily views
5579 total views
FCKeditor Javascript Error Patch
The new FCKeditor version 2.6 seems to have a bug which for me was quite hard to track down.
I use PHP to interface with it, so the bug which causes images uploaded via the quickuploader is found in the
file on line 291.
The error reported by firebug is: uncaught exception: Permission denied to ...
Sun - Mar 01, 2009 : 02:27 am
0.94 daily views
5338 total views
Postfix and Dovecot on Gentoo
I've just got to put this somewhere so I don't forget it. I just finished installing postfix / dovecot using postgres on my home server by following this wonderful tutorial.
I followed it almost to the tee, and ... it just works. I have no other information other than that. For all I know, as you read this, it may be interpret...
Computers / Gentoo / Linux
Thu - Dec 13, 2007 : 05:25 pm
0.92 daily views
5623 total views
Best Project Management Explanation Ever!
Words could not have said it any better.
Makes me smile every time I look at it....
Thu - Dec 13, 2007 : 03:47 pm
0.92 daily views
5626 total views
Microsoft Takes On Microsoft
Oh, man... Where do I even begin this post? And from which angle? How about I just start typing and figure it out when I'm done.... Yeah, that's what I'll do.
I just finished reading this Microsoft article which explains, using no uncertain terms, how to get "IT Management" to see the "value" in upgrad...
Computers / Linux / Microsoft
Wed - Apr 02, 2008 : 11:58 am
0.92 daily views
5535 total views
Voicemail From Luci
I was sifting through some old voicemails today, when I found this treasure. I almost deleted it when it was originally left, but I'm glad I didn't.
This will be fun to show Luci when she's older.
The voicemail itself is attached as audio in this entry....