Tue - Feb 08, 2011 : 04:09 pm
0.46 daily views
2369 total views
3 Nephi : 25 - Burn Like An Oven
Among the discussions I've had of the scriptures, this one is always a fun one.
"When God says that the earth is gonna burn, does he mean it literally? Are the wicked really gonna burn at the second coming?"
Honestly, for me, I have enough scriptural evidence to convince me to respond in the affirmative.
Also - I'm...
Book Of Mormon / Lds / Scriptures
Mon - Feb 07, 2011 : 05:40 pm
0.47 daily views
2394 total views
3 Nephi : 24
Interesting that I should choose to read this today, because my wife and I were talking a bit about the 2nd coming last weekend. The second coming shall be like a "refiner's fire", which, of course, is meant to purify - or to burn out impurities. That which abides by the law is sanctified by the same. A talk I once heard...
Book Of Mormon / Lds / Personal / Religion / Scriptures / Spiritual
Fri - Feb 04, 2011 : 12:24 pm
0.58 daily views
2950 total views
Lucid 8 and Smooth Intentions
Some projects are just worth the wait. Four months ago, we started working with a group named Lucid 8, and quite honestly, I've been itching to get their demo finished. Well, we're heading down that road now, and it feels great. We have one song finished, with 5 more quickly getting wrapped up. Can't wait to see where these ...
Current Events / Music
Tue - Feb 01, 2011 : 10:40 am
0.48 daily views
2459 total views
3 Nephi : 22 - 23
Chapter 22 was another toughy, but I figure I'm gonna better my life if I read and am only able to type a tiny bit, rather than not read at all.
I guess my brain is still getting over this sickness, because I find it difficult to do any critical thinking. Anyway...
I found it interesting the bit about "more are the children of the de...
Book Of Mormon / Lds / Scriptures / Spiritual
Sun - Jan 23, 2011 : 01:33 am
0.44 daily views
2257 total views
Studio Happenings...
So... I apologize for not having kept up-to-date with what's recently been going on, but I honestly haven't had the time! If I have to choose between recording music, or writing about recording music, I'll take the former, thank you very much.
So, this last week was booked solid - again. We saw a few regulars come in and a few new on...
Audio Hardware / Miscellaneous
Tue - Jan 18, 2011 : 05:30 pm
0.41 daily views
2086 total views
3 Nephi : 21
Ya know... I've now read this chapter twice, and I cannot remember a single thing I read. I started journaling about the chapters of the Book of Mormon January 1, 2008 - as a resolution to write about each and every chapter of the book. I'm not sure if I can make it through this chapter one more time! I have no idea what's going o...
Book Of Mormon / Lds / Personal / Scriptures
Mon - Jan 17, 2011 : 10:50 pm
0.76 daily views
3899 total views
New Direction in Following Christ
this ones personal.
I left the church after realizing that I am gay, and I don't want to change that. Lastnight.
I do not believe in the Church's stance on homosexuality. Which is that you can overcome those temptations,
that it is an awful sin, and as long as you don't act on it, youre okay.
I really don't believe that God would make 10% of...
Babblings / Book Of Mormon / Everyday Thoughts / Gay / Gospel / I Dont Want It No More / Lds / Lesbian / Me / Miscellaneous / Past Memories And Future Concerns / Personal / The Future / The Gospel / The Past / Things I Like
Mon - Jan 17, 2011 : 03:40 pm
0.45 daily views
2310 total views
Marathon of all Marathons
So, in this business you really have no idea what's coming at ya. From the music, to the ability, to the genre, etc, etc, etc... You can schedule a band for a full-day, and they can come in and get it all done sooner or later than what was previously thought. There are so many variables, it can get a bit stressful.
So, two days a...
Thu - Jan 13, 2011 : 09:08 pm
0.68 daily views
3500 total views
General Thoughts
I got down here to my studio tonight, after playing with the kids, putting Sam to bed, and taking care of a few other odds 'n' ends, and I got to feeling like I should write in my journal. Not entirely sure about what, but it's been months, if not a few years since I have just sat down to write, with nothing in mind beforehand. Some of ...
Babblings / Personal
Tue - Jan 11, 2011 : 05:33 pm
0.61 daily views
3135 total views
3 Nephi : 20
So, in Gospel Doctrine, from time to time, we talk about praying, and how we're supposed to pray all the time, and then we get the comments that it's impossible to "pray" all the time, and then someone else says that we need to be praying "always" in our hearts. That's true, and verse 1 of this chapter is Jesus' commandmen...
Book Of Mormon / Lds / Scriptures / Spiritual
Mon - Dec 05, 2016 : 11:28 am
0.82 daily views
2446 total views
2016 Christmas Adventure
So.. I thought I'd write down a little bit about what happened to us on Saturday.
I had a recording session Saturday morning while Sarah was doing her monthly stake baptism duties, and we both finished up around noon.
We were going to make our yearly journey to Ephraim, UT to climb the mountain and chop down a Christmas tree for our...
Mon - Jan 04, 2016 : 07:41 pm
0.78 daily views
2587 total views
2015 Conf #2 - "God Is At The Helm"
"Hold on with Both Hands"
- I love this quote. It suggests that holding on with one hand isn't enough... and honestly, in my life, it hasn't been enough. When I live the Gospel half-heartedly, I feel a contrast to the times when I know I am giving it my all. The closer we draw to God, the closer God draws to us (...
General Conference / Personal / Spiritual
Fri - Aug 24, 2007 : 11:51 pm
0.48 daily views
3077 total views
State of gentoo
Today at work, I happened to stumble upon a blog which I've never read, or heard of. This is a shame because this blog happens to belong to a person who is very important in my life. A person I've never spoken to, met, seen, or otherwise had any contact with at all.
His name is Daniel Robbins (drobbins).
Daniel Robbins created gentoo ...
Gentoo / Linux
Fri - Feb 10, 2006 : 09:49 pm
no mood
0.31 daily views
2139 total views
Oh... My... Goodness...
I can't think of where to begin, so I'll just start typing.
Two days ago we decided it was time to cut the umbilical for the other guys who were the old I.T. team for the company I work for. We did so by changing all passwords (or so I thought), and that's about it. We thought we had em'.... So.... We all went home and...
Sun - Sep 16, 2012 : 10:46 pm
0.53 daily views
2392 total views
So, I just had a great day here in the basement where I live, while me and my family are waiting for our new home (and studio) to be built, and I found myself sort of pensive, so I thought I'd come down and write a few words, and see what comes out.
Advanced Budget Studios began taking clients in August of 2009, using a single AT 3525 conde...
Sun - Sep 23, 2007 : 11:18 pm
0.39 daily views
2445 total views
History of ILoveMyJournal
Why, oh why, did I create this site? For those of you wondering what this site is all about, read on. For those of you who couldn't care less, read on. For those of you who enjoy reading my blog, or otherwise, read on. Okay... That was stupid. Ohwell...
I Love My Journal (ILMJ) was originally created for one reason ...
I Love My Journal / Personal
Wed - Mar 05, 2008 : 03:08 pm
0.06 daily views
379 total views
A few weeks ago I recieved my testimony and I kid you not the following Sunday my bishop comes up to me and asks me to bear my testimony at the Stake confrence this Sat night. Well get this....the topic of the confrence is Coming unto Jesus...and my testimony was about how I got to the Church. This only strengthens my testiomy even more that I am i...
Fri - Dec 14, 2007 : 09:35 am
0.16 daily views
1003 total views
Amber's Poem
One day along time ago,
Before the world began
A plan was given to each of us
It was placed in our willing hands
There were two parts to this plan
One was for all the world
The other plan was just for us
About our life and what was in store
This first plan included a Savior
Jesus Christ, our brother
He will come to earth...
Sat - Feb 09, 2008 : 03:16 pm
0.43 daily views
2657 total views
Keeping Geek Employees Happy
Yup... I'm one of em'. I'm a geek. I'm probably not as geeky as the geekiest of geeks, but I've managed to stay employed as a computer programmer for more than 5 years now. I also spend pretty much every moment of my spare time on my computer at home. I have geek friends and ... well... I enjoy technology. ...
Computers / Miscellaneous / Personal
Fri - Dec 14, 2007 : 11:40 pm
0.43 daily views
2688 total views
poetry one
kelly miller
Poetry by Kelly Miller
THis is dedicated to my son Shawn VanWagen who left on his mission in 2005 and that next week I started writing poetry. It has been a big part of my life since and has kept me very busy. Also, to President Hinckley and his challenge for the members to read the book of mormon. and to Bernice Hutchenson w...
Mon - Jun 28, 2010 : 11:32 am
0.72 daily views
3822 total views
Sorely Creative Weekend
Where do I even begin? Well... The craziness began on Thursday of last week, so I'll start there.
Every year, my uncle Cloy and Evelyn Jones have a family reunion intended for their family. I'm not entirely sure why, but my parent's family has been invited to this reunion for a long time. Some years we go, som...
Family / Life / Music / Personal
Tue - Nov 03, 2015 : 12:10 am
0.72 daily views
2441 total views
Thanks4giving 2
So, today's entry is going to be a bit less, but I still was able to see God's hand in my life quite a bit.
I had a late studio session to tend to, but I had felt horrible all day long... I prayed that I would be able to have a great session, and it went really well. Everything that needed to happen, happened, and nothing too t...
Sun - Sep 23, 2007 : 03:27 pm
no mood
0.72 daily views
4591 total views
Texture Extraction
Using The Gimp to remove low frequency data from an image.
When I take a picture of something I would like to use for texture, there is often a slight change in the color across the entire image. I want to keep the detail, but make the overall color even across the image.
This is a picture of dusty rain marks on the hood of my car:
It is l...
Tue - Feb 18, 2014 : 04:23 pm
0.71 daily views
2864 total views
Tiny Boats / Bret Slack
Just in case you haven't heard the latest about Tiny Boats' debut album release, a good friend of the studio, Matt Mylroie, a music producer in Florida, had these good words to say about The Broken Vessels.
A portion is quoted below, where the full review can be found here.
"This album is hard to describe, but it is a fantastic blend of ...
Music / Studio
Wed - Mar 26, 2008 : 11:44 pm
0.71 daily views
4388 total views
Jacob : 1
Nothing really jumped out and grabbed me for this chapter.
I liked how Nephi was seemingly fiercely loved by his people. I wish we had a president today like that. Seems like politics in general now has nothing to do with what is best for the country. It's all about backstabbing, getting rich, and furthering agendas. I wo...
Book Of Mormon / Lds / Personal / Spiritual
Mon - Feb 09, 2009 : 01:53 pm
0.71 daily views
4146 total views
Off To Wisconsin I Go!
It's about 10 minutes before I have to leave to go to the airport to fly to Wisconsin to meet my new boss and co-workers. The situation at Nature's Way is definitely changing.
Right now, I just wanted to write down some thoughts and feelings to see how they would contrast against what I think after-the-fact.
Right now, quite honestly, I d...
Nature's Way / Personal
Mon - Aug 23, 2010 : 07:30 pm
0.71 daily views
3758 total views
Worlds of the Crystal Moon
A while ago, Advanced Budget Studios had the privilege of working with the author of a great book in a voice-over. The author's name is Phillip Jones, and his book is called Worlds of the Crystal Moon.
When I was contacted to help out with the voice-over, I had no idea what to expect, and I wasn't sure what Phillip was expecting, either.&n...
Audio / Mixing / Voice-overs
Sun - May 18, 2008 : 10:24 am
0.71 daily views
4309 total views
2008 UVSC Auto Show
To start, I must say that the video above was created using a very old digital camera. It shoots at 15 fps, so, that is why the video quality is so horrible. I'll see if I can't get a more decent video later on. Now, on with the entry...
I would have written about this yesterday evening, but I was dead-tired. So... I'll wri...
Audio / Cars
Mon - Jan 12, 2009 : 12:01 am
0.70 daily views
4123 total views
Starting 2009 off right!
Well.... It became time again quickly to have a LAN party after the craziness of the holiday season. So, we decided to have one two days ago. It was fairly awesome.
I didn't bring my camera, so I don't have a video of this one, but suffice it to say that this one was pretty darned fun. It started with Eric Hansen and I lo...
Computers / Friends / Fun / Games / Personal
Wed - Aug 27, 2008 : 08:59 am
0.70 daily views
4180 total views
Dave Pelzer
I just got done reading the book "A Man Named Dave", after reading "The Lost Boy", and 6 years ago, "A Child Called It".
Ya know... To a certain extent, I enjoy doing things from time to time, to keep myself grounded. To keep myself living in a reality close to what is real for everyone else. I do t...