Wed - Jun 22, 2011 : 10:08 am
0.39 daily views
1963 total views
Ether 1
Not too much to write about on this one. I guess I could try to memorize all the relationships mentioned. hehe.
Genealogy must have been pretty important back then (pretty important now-a-days, too), because they mentioned that it would be possible for us to have the history of the entire world up to that time. Interesting...
Book Of Mormon / Lds / Religion / Scriptures
Tue - Jun 21, 2011 : 04:43 pm
0.39 daily views
1965 total views
Mormon : 9 - Love?
Growing up, I used to have a mis-conception that those who erred against God in their ways were best suited for rebuke the way God gives it in the scriptures. I was ignorantly judgemental, and for a long time, couldn't understand why people tended to shy away from my tactics.
Reading the beginning of this chapter brings back a lot of those ...
Book Of Mormon / Lds / Personal / Religion / Scriptures / Spiritual
Tue - Jun 07, 2011 : 12:51 pm
0.66 daily views
3314 total views
iPhone cloud vs Android
Okay... So, this isn't gonna be the rant that you thought it was by the title. With the little time I have, I couldn't come up with a better one...
So, the story is - I had just eaten a delicious burger at Coney's, when on my way home, I happened to turn on Rush Limbaugh. He was talking about this new "cloud" technolog...
Babblings / Linux / Miscellaneous
Tue - May 24, 2011 : 05:12 pm
0.45 daily views
2279 total views
Studio Cruisin'
So, we received our new Oktava-Modded Apex 205 microphones, and the results have been very pleasing. New songs by BTP, PoeticIntensity, and some voice-overs have used them, and we are definitely feeling the love. Working as drum overheads, cab mics, and even acoustic guitar mics in stereo-pair. All around, these are some rea...
Audio / Miscellaneous
Mon - May 16, 2011 : 03:03 pm
0.43 daily views
2155 total views
Mormon : 8
Figuring out the mood and temprament of Moroni while he writes this is tough. The things he writes about are horrific. The Lamanites have killed his entire race, his family, and his father. The "state of the union", as it were, was "continual warefare, bloodshed, and violence." He had to be depress...
Book Of Mormon / Lds / Religion / Scriptures / Spiritual
Wed - May 11, 2011 : 10:48 am
0.46 daily views
2305 total views
Mormon : 7 - Guiltless
"Remnant of this people". Talking straight to the American Indians. heh.. I love the foresight.
Guiltless... I love that word. He that is found guiltless. Please note it does not say "sinless".
To be found guiltless. What would that entail? Continual repentance would probably b...
Book Of Mormon / Lds / Personal / Scriptures / Spiritual
Mon - May 09, 2011 : 10:17 am
0.43 daily views
2160 total views
Mormon : 6
So... Here's a thought for ya. Mormon had seen the end of his people. He knew the Nephites were going to be destroyed, and not only that, he knew how and when they were going to be destroyed. Verse 6 confirms this by relating, "...and knowing it to be the last struggle of my people". He knew his people...
Book Of Mormon / Lds / Scriptures
Thu - May 05, 2011 : 09:53 am
0.44 daily views
2220 total views
Mormon : 5 - Arms of Jesus
So, the past few days have been days of trial, and these days come and go largely, I believe, to help me remember the covenants I've made to God, and to help me remember how sweet it is to feel the Spirit.
When I read the end of verse 11, I wondered what those who had never felt "clasped in the arms of Jesus" might think of those ...
Book Of Mormon / Lds / Personal / Scriptures / Spiritual
Wed - May 04, 2011 : 11:16 am
0.07 daily views
347 total views
Much To Share
Wednesday April 4, 2011
Hey everyone! I'm so happy to be back. Sorry if I haven't posted anything lately but I've been really busy. As you know from my last post that I was going to participate in an Easter musical/drama(More Than Just A Man) Which was at Living Word Church). The show was a complete success. Even th...
Tue - May 03, 2011 : 06:33 pm
0.07 daily views
348 total views
What I feel for you
You dont have to hide or pretend who you reallly are around me ill expect you. Not your past or what other people say can change my mind. Ill be there through thick and thin all the way until the end. if your sad than im sad to. If your mad im mad to. if you say we arent friends or anything more ill understand. But ill be there with open hands....
Tue - Jan 05, 2010 : 12:36 pm
0.42 daily views
2289 total views
Alma : 47 - Continuing The Hate
Man... Amalickiah... I'm more and more convinced that this guy is the epitome of evil in the flesh. I wonder what would have happened with the entire history of the Nephites had Captain Moroni caught Amalickiah, when he was chasing him and his armies last chapter.
I really believe that had he been caught (and appropriately dealt with), much...
Book Of Mormon / Lds / Religion / Scriptures / Spiritual
Tue - Nov 12, 2013 : 02:25 pm
0.72 daily views
2958 total views
Lucid 8 / Jhonny K
Being an audio engineer full-time gives me the opportunity to meet a lot of musicians, and go through a lot of music. Most of the music being recorded here is done by people who want to get a recording of a song or two that they want to post for their friends on social media sites, and that is great by me. The more good music out for pe...
Music / Studio
Tue - Feb 17, 2009 : 12:04 am
0.83 daily views
4823 total views
Deleting Program Data in MythTV
Just thought I'd let you all know something that isn't readily apparent from googling - at least it wasn't for me.
For two channels, I had program data which was approximately 1.5 hours off. This did me absolutely no good when it came to recording shows from mythtv.
I'm using MythTV .21
I came across a mailing list thread which had the ...
Linux / Video
Wed - Mar 03, 2010 : 10:06 am
3.74 daily views
20422 total views
Proper Spelling of "Ridiculous"
Okay... I rarely .... well.. I never have posted something like this before in my blog, but this is getting RIDICULOUS. This is not getting REDICULOUS. It is getting R-I-D-I-C-U-L-O-U-S
It seems like when ever I see that word spelled anywhere on the Internet, it's spelled consistently wrong, and I can't for the life ...
Fri - Jul 01, 2011 : 01:30 pm
0.82 daily views
4076 total views
Studio Drum Upgrade
I'm pretty sure everyone knows that feeling of having to do something, just for the sake of doing it. This happened to me about 2 weeks ago. I got the feeling that something needed upgrading in the studio. Lately, I've been buying a few guitars, and some great microphones, as well as upgrading the main studio software.  ...
Audio Hardware / Drums
Tue - May 20, 2008 : 06:50 pm
6.29 daily views
38439 total views
FFmpeg Webcam Video in Linux
Okay... I've been wondering how to do this for quite some time, and I finally figured it out with the help of this mailing list thread.
I've always thought ffmpeg was a pretty amazing program, but now, I will build a shrine to it and worship it weekly.
Ffmpeg is the program which allows me to create a video with sound in Linux.
I hav...
Computers / Gentoo / Linux
Tue - Mar 17, 2009 : 02:46 pm
5.36 daily views
31139 total views
Outlook Calendar Events in PHP
Man, the weather's getting nice out there... Makes me not want to program. Yet, here I am.
Today I had the task of somehow getting a PHP-generated web app to generate an Outlook appointment based on database information, and have it work.
Turns out that 2 hours later, I have it functioning perfectly, thanks, in large part to this bl...
Computers / Linux / Programming
Thu - Jul 16, 2009 : 12:28 am
4.49 daily views
25507 total views
Notes on AC3 to MP3 using ffmpeg
I recently put up a video which I took from a network broadcast, HD recording. It, of course, was using the AC3 audio code. As I was trying to get the video chopped and converted to view in the flash player, I encountered an interesting challenge.
When I put the video into kdenlive (which failed miserably to do even the most bas...
Audio / Linux / Video
Tue - Oct 12, 2010 : 02:50 pm
5.13 daily views
26868 total views
IE min-height solution
Why does Microsoft insist on making life so hard for developers?
There are web standards, Microsoft, in case you missed the memo. Please adhere to them. It would do EVERYONE good.
Here's yet another hack to get IE to work in cases where min-height is used (according to my browsers, this still doesn't work in even IE8)
I found t...
Wed - Nov 19, 2008 : 09:39 pm
0.54 daily views
3199 total views
What I Miss Most
Ya know... I've told many people this, but I'm not sure I've told you. If I have, suck it up and listen to it again.
When I got married almost 6 years ago, I was preparing for the worst. People told me that marriage was a jar to the system, the knock-out punch, the "learning" experience, and many other metaphors basica...
Children / Family / Life
Sat - Feb 23, 2013 : 10:03 pm
0.77 daily views
3350 total views
Pilot #1 / New Name
So... Yeah... Holy cow. I started writing this as a Facebook update, and quickly realized ther was too much to say, so, into the blog it goes!
The bottom line is - We are back in business, people!
As of right now, the new studio is close to being finished, but the good news is - we can record. I've got 3 channels wired up, a...
Mon - Jan 17, 2011 : 10:50 pm
0.76 daily views
3899 total views
New Direction in Following Christ
this ones personal.
I left the church after realizing that I am gay, and I don't want to change that. Lastnight.
I do not believe in the Church's stance on homosexuality. Which is that you can overcome those temptations,
that it is an awful sin, and as long as you don't act on it, youre okay.
I really don't believe that God would make 10% of...
Babblings / Book Of Mormon / Everyday Thoughts / Gay / Gospel / I Dont Want It No More / Lds / Lesbian / Me / Miscellaneous / Past Memories And Future Concerns / Personal / The Future / The Gospel / The Past / Things I Like
Tue - Dec 09, 2008 : 11:08 am
0.76 daily views
4468 total views
VLC Gripe
Awhile back, I found that many DVD titles released by Sony weren't able to be viewed with mplayer. This annoyed me.
So, I investigated a bit and found that VLC (another wonderful media player) could not only play them back, but also rip them with ease. Up until a bit ago, this has been the case since the writing of that article.
Computers / Linux
Tue - Jan 20, 2009 : 05:16 pm
0.76 daily views
4473 total views
Alma : 12
I have written quite a bit about this chapter during previous years' studies. To begin, I noticed this time that it is by the "spirit of prophecy" that Zeezrom's thoughts are made known to Alma and Amulek.
I also noticed that during the buffeting these prophets delivered to Zeezrom, not one attack was personal. They were sim...
Book Of Mormon / Lds / Scriptures / Spiritual
Fri - Feb 15, 2008 : 12:27 pm
0.76 daily views
4740 total views
32-bit plugins on 64-bit arch
I know I'm WAY out of the loop on this one, but I thought I'd blog about it to possibly help others who didn't know about this quite wonderful program.
For years I've been using amd64 processors and have loved them. Ever since there has been a 32-bit firefox on gentoo, I've been using it to view all the youtube goodness out there.
Computers / Linux
Mon - Feb 02, 2009 : 09:48 pm
0.76 daily views
4439 total views
LVM2 Auto-Reconnect
I run a server in my home. It's nothing more than a hobby-type server that runs gentoo Linux, a couple of web-sites, my myth-tv installation for my home-theater, and all the family files. I also have about 150 compressed movies on there, all of which can certainly take up a lot of hard drive space.
I started this project back in 2004...
Computers / Gentoo / Linux
Mon - Mar 23, 2009 : 10:00 am
0.76 daily views
4416 total views
Alma : 17
The beginning of this chapter is one of my favorites. I love verse 2 and 3.
True friendship, at least in my case, is always born of spiritual origin. The friends I've had that have lasted have always had a solid spiritual foundation. And yes... Finding that old friends have kept the faith and increased in the knowledge of the Lo...
Book Of Mormon / Lds / Religion / Spiritual
Mon - Dec 21, 2009 : 12:05 am
0.76 daily views
4199 total views
The Fink is Finished!
After a whole heckuva lot of work, at a faster-than-I-want-to pace, the self-titled album from Herod the Fink is finally finished, and available.
Herod the Fink is an in-house production of our mixing and recording engineer, and a great musician-friend of his.
The whole project came together with a simple phone call, a month before ...
Audio / Music
Tue - Oct 09, 2007 : 05:42 pm
0.76 daily views
4835 total views
"I Can't" ... Bah!
Ya know... One thing which really irks me is when someone tells me "I can't", for whatever reason.
I'm not exactly sure, either, since there really are things which we cannot do, such as transmutate ourselves to become vultures. I don't believe I've ever met a person who has become a vulture, although, that would mean that he...
Miscellaneous / Personal
Tue - Apr 24, 2007 : 07:18 pm
no mood
0.76 daily views
4950 total views
The scientific method can't prove everything.
Okay, okay... I do understand that there is a ton of good that has been brought about by the scientific method, but seriously, people; is that the *only* way to prove something is true? Wow. In my opinion, we've really limited ourselves if we think that's the only way to "prove" the truth of something.
I just (finally) finished D&C 76, an...