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Fri - Dec 03, 2010 : 06:45 pm
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Friday December 3, 2010
Today was filled with the usually chore, practicing for the Christmas Cantada, and puttting up the Christmas tree. Finally! me and my family put up our tree. We usually do it after Thanksgiving but we where a little late.
You know. The more the years go by the faster Christmas seems to come. I can remeber when I was a little girl and I would sit with my little brother ( who is now taller than me)  and we would look through the Sears catalog which we called The Wish Book. We look through that book so much that it started to fall apart and the only way to keep it together was to tape the sides with duck tape. Every time I think of this I smile. Than laugh.
We don't have that book anymore but it sure reminds me of how blessed I am to have a family to share the holiday season with. I hope whoever reads this that you and your family have a blessed and fun filled holiday too.