So, a little over a week ago, I made a phone call on an offer I simply couldn't refuse... A person online was claiming to be selling a MXL V77 tube microphone
brand-new in-the-box for incredibly cheap. This microphone didn't mean much to me at the time, but something intrigued me about it. After 20 minutes or so with google, I knew I needed to get this mic. The mic has been discontinued since sometime early this century, and quite a few people have made it a mission of theirs to find a V77, or even try to build one themselves.
So, after a quick phone call, I had secured Advanced Budget Studios to be the home of this new MXL V77.
Fedex delivered it to my home today.
After making sure I had everything connected correctly, I made a quick pass at recording my voice through it, and all I can say is:
WOW! For the price, I don't think anything can even come close.
So, with this post, I simply announce the arrival of a new addition to our little studio... It should prove to be a very worthy tenant.