Mon - Aug 04, 2008 : 12:08 am
no mood
Life is Precious
Well I was going to do this last night but it was just to much to do. So here it goes. Wow what a life changing event. This might be a little bit graphic for some but I am going to tell it how it is. So here it goes. Yesterday I worked at the airport I transport people to and from the airport. I was called to go to Provo and get 9 people starting at the Marriott in Provo Next EFY people on BYU campus. On my way to the Marriott I stopped and got me a Coke in Lehi from McDonalds it took me around 4 min to get off the freeway and back on. So I get to the S turn in Provo on I-15 and I see a accident on the left side of the freeway and I just missed the accident so I was about 4 cars behind the first one stopped. I see a vehicle on the left side between the emergency and the fast lain. I saw a body in the fast lain South of the vehicle. There was no movement by the body the whole time I was driving towards the accident. I get about 2 cars length away from the body and this lady comes over and rolls the body over and starts CPR. So I keep on driving and I get right next to the lady and the body and I see that it is a young man and he has no face. By that I mean No visible eyes, nose and no mouth just a pool of red blood. Wow I keep on driving and there are two young men one is dragging him self with his hands out of the back of the SUV and there is a young man just kinda standing there with a daze about him and his face (SHOCK). I have never seen anything like this before in my life. So the person I am I see that there is plenty of help so I drive on to get my people. Then I start thinking about the people hurt and that they were alive just 3-5min ago and how live can be taken from us so fast. I start to fill my eyes well up with tears but I push them back and stop and go on my way of picking up people. Now 28 Hours later I can still see the people in my head and will never get them out. So I have decided to make this a good experience rather than a bad. I would like to say how much we should tell the people we love that we love them. You never know when something is going to happen. Also I would like to say if your holding grudges about anybody take care of it here on earth cus you never know when life can be stripped from you. Make shore your in good standings with friends, family and loved ones. So when we get to the other side everything will be in good standings. I also would like to say that this web sight is made by my brother Jason and I would like to take a moment and say a few things about him. He is a AMAZING person that honestly love his God and Saviour Jesus Christ. He loves his Wife and Kids with so much power and enthusiasm it is amazing. Now about him as a Brother. He is always there for me in every aspect he is a hero in my eyes someone I look up to. Jason I just want to Say I LOVE YOU TONZ AND TONZ. Thanks for being you and only you. Love ya. Now I want to let everyone know that I bore my testimony in church today on Love and Loving your family and friends cus you never know when it is your turn to go to the other side. This experience has honestly changed my look on life and how I will treat other people. Hope I did not bore you at all but thanks for reading if you made it this far.
P.S. Here is the web sight if you want to read the story of what happened.
Thanks, Ryan