Fri - Oct 11, 2019 : 04:19 pm
1.02 daily views
1869 total views
Gen Conf. 2019 Elder Oaks
First off, I don't like at all that the congregation was laughing during the initial parts of the talk. This interpretation of humor, to me, tells me people aren't really trying to empathize with someone who could ask that type of question. Considering the implications of polygamy, the question of living in one's own house vs. liv...
General Conference / Personal / Spiritual
Sun - Apr 01, 2018 : 10:51 am
0.78 daily views
1858 total views
Solemn Assembly and Hell Week
Yesterday, I had the opportunity to attend the first solemn assembly I remember having attended. As I raised my hand in my bedroom while sustaining President Nelson, tears welled up in my eyes. I felt as if I was partaking in something very important. I was with Luci and Leah. Everyone else in my family was out doing o...
Personal / Spiritual / Studio-journey
Mon - Dec 05, 2016 : 11:28 am
0.80 daily views
2289 total views
2016 Christmas Adventure
So.. I thought I'd write down a little bit about what happened to us on Saturday.
I had a recording session Saturday morning while Sarah was doing her monthly stake baptism duties, and we both finished up around noon.
We were going to make our yearly journey to Ephraim, UT to climb the mountain and chop down a Christmas tree for our...
Sat - Oct 01, 2016 : 01:19 am
0.67 daily views
1978 total views
Important Things...
So, lately I've been thinking a lot about what life is all about, and kind of pondering upon times when I've been doing well, and times when I've been doing not-so-well.
I think the most important thing you can do in life is stay close to the Spirit of God. Lots of things seem to get in the way from time to time, but that's the nature...
General Conference / Personal / Spiritual
Fri - May 13, 2016 : 01:30 am
0.67 daily views
2065 total views
13-hour Studio Session
Yup.. Today was awesome. I had a 13.5 hour session, and it was just amazing. The song creation process was a bit difficult at times, but little-by-little the song formed, and both me and my client (Jed Lefevre) were kind of dumbfounded at the end result. In the first hour, we had a piano track, and that was it.
At th...
Personal / Studio-journey
Sun - Mar 20, 2016 : 12:11 am
0.70 daily views
2183 total views
Singing In The Celestial Room
So, I don't have near the time to dedicate ato this right now as I should, but I'm gonna need half-a-day to get it all out.
Yesterday (Friday) I had a 'dress rehearsal' for the Temple Choir, and the singing in the Celestial room was indescribible. It was amazing to sing there, and the acoustics were wonderful. But the thing I k...
Personal / Provo City Center Temple / Spiritual
Tue - Jan 19, 2016 : 10:29 am
no mood
0.66 daily views
2118 total views
2015 Conf #4 - "Yielding Hearts to God"
"Yielding Our Hearts to God" or "Change of Heart" - Man, I love this talk.
I wish I could tell you all how much this talk means to me. When I heard it the first time, I was with noisy kids, so I didn't get much out of it, but the next time I listened to it was during lunch, and I was alone. I...
General Conference / Personal / Spiritual
Mon - Jan 04, 2016 : 07:41 pm
0.75 daily views
2419 total views
2015 Conf #2 - "God Is At The Helm"
"Hold on with Both Hands"
- I love this quote. It suggests that holding on with one hand isn't enough... and honestly, in my life, it hasn't been enough. When I live the Gospel half-heartedly, I feel a contrast to the times when I know I am giving it my all. The closer we draw to God, the closer God draws to us (...
General Conference / Personal / Spiritual
Wed - Dec 30, 2015 : 02:46 pm
0.68 daily views
2196 total views
2015 Conf #1 - "It Works Wonderfully"
Quote - "Sometimes, the truth may just seem too straightforward, too plain, and too simple for us to fully appreciate its great value. I wonder if we as Church members might also benefit from asking ourselves from time to time: “Is my experience in the Church working for me? Is it bringing me closer to Christ? Is it blessing m...
General Conference / Personal / Spiritual
Tue - Nov 03, 2015 : 12:10 am
0.69 daily views
2262 total views
Thanks4giving 2
So, today's entry is going to be a bit less, but I still was able to see God's hand in my life quite a bit.
I had a late studio session to tend to, but I had felt horrible all day long... I prayed that I would be able to have a great session, and it went really well. Everything that needed to happen, happened, and nothing too t...
Tue - Dec 09, 2008 : 04:48 pm
0.58 daily views
3350 total views
Sleep, Cats, and Christmas Trees
Ya know... I thought that with 4.5 hours of sleep last night, I'd feel a heckuva lot sleepier than I do. I guess miracles do happen.
Since our wonderful Samuel was born, my wife and I have been getting considerably less sleep than we otherwise would. This is to be expected; it comes with the whole package of parenthood.
I ha...
Cats / Children / Family / General Insanity
Mon - Jan 19, 2009 : 12:04 pm
0.69 daily views
3955 total views
I Wish I Had a Camera
Last night, the temperature dropped down to right around 0 degrees fahrenheit. When I woke up and was almost to work, I almost hit the car in front of me. No, I'm not a poor driver...
It's just that with it being so cold, there was literally about a half an inch of frost which had gathered on.... pretty much anything left outside.
Everyday Thoughts / Life
Mon - May 11, 2009 : 07:40 am
0.51 daily views
2857 total views
Jason Mraz Concert in Vegas!
So, first, I've gotta give a HUGE THANK YOU to my mother-in-law and father-in-law, because it was they who bought me the tickets for my birthday last month, in the first place. I would have never bought the tickets for myself, so wthout them, I literally would have never seen such a concert.
Friends / Fun / Music
Wed - Dec 31, 2014 : 09:38 pm
0.67 daily views
2394 total views
New Years' (almost)
Approximately 4 years ago, sometime during the summer, from time to time I would go outside our back door and lay out on the concrete slab and look up at the stars. We had been in our home about 7 years and had no intention of moving, or changing, or doing anything but doing what we were doing. I was in love with my wife, trying my best...
Personal / Spiritual / Studio-journey
Thu - Dec 13, 2012 : 11:06 pm
0.46 daily views
1998 total views
Getting Real...
So, I just got off the phone with my wife, and she was at our new home-to-be this evening, and apparently, almost everything is done. The carpet isn't in, nor are the toilets, nor are the cement stairs leading down to the basement, but everything else - yeah - it's done. I'm just beside myself. We could be moving in as early as la...
Mon - Jun 09, 2008 : 10:33 am
1.80 daily views
10750 total views
Video Editing With Kdenlive
I've recently become interested in integrating video into my journal and blog. As such, I realized that my 4-year old digial camera just wasn't gonna cut it anymore, so I went out and bought the cheapest camera I could find that would shoot 30 frames per second which happened to be the Nikon S210 digital camera. It takes pretty good vid...
Computers / Gentoo / Kdenlive / Linux / Video
Wed - Jul 25, 2007 : 09:38 pm
0.40 daily views
2495 total views
Two Motorcycles and The Moon
"What is a motorcycle doing in *this*?", I thought as I continued upward through the winding Spanish Fork canyon. It wasn't so much that a motorcycle was in this particular canyon, but rather in the canyon during one of the 3 most torrential downpours I've seen during my lifetime.
I was coming home from work today when about ...
Mon - Feb 09, 2009 : 11:27 pm
0.66 daily views
3763 total views
Flight To Green Bay
Okay... This sucks. I just spent the last 10 minutes typing up a nice novel on how today was spent, and I then proceeded to accidentally delete it. How unfortunate. Let's see if I can do it again.
....nope. Sorry... I'm tired, and it's late (it's now 12:30am), and I've got to get up tomorrow morning.
Fun / Life / Nature's Way
Mon - Oct 20, 2008 : 03:14 pm
1.05 daily views
6123 total views
IE Caching AJAX bug
As programming techniques become more and more complex, and the programmers continue to be just as, or more, diversified, companies who insist on being the industry standard while tossing away organizations such as the W3C, make life as a web developer increasingly difficult.
If that didn't make much sense, let me rephrase: Micro...
Computers / Linux / Microsoft / Programming
Sun - Jun 23, 2002 : 12:18 pm
no mood
0.29 daily views
2364 total views
Musical Nirvana in Cali
PoeticIntensity Yesterday was simply beautiful.....simply beautiful. I don't have NEAR enough time to write down exactly my feelings nor what happened...however - suffice it to say, yesterday was beautiful.
I got up yesterday morning and started packing up my drums almost immediately. I was supposed to be at Dane's house at 1:00pm and...
Wed - Sep 26, 2007 : 01:40 pm
76.98 daily views
479480 total views
Ugliest Animal Ever
Okay... This is an unusual post for me, but I can't believe what I just saw.
For years I thought the hairless cat was the ugliest animal alive, but no - not even close to tell you the truth.
Goes to show that mother nature really isn't discriminatory at all. "Sickeningly ugly or average or whatever, come one come all", s...
Sat - Dec 01, 2007 : 06:56 pm
24.67 daily views
152064 total views
Windows 98 Product Key
I was floating around the webosphere, when I came upon this key, which, evidently is released by Microsoft themselves. It is claimed to work on all Windows 98 CDs
I've personally verified that it works with Windows 98 1st Edition (helping my neighbor with computers too old to run XP efficiently...
Fri - Feb 13, 2009 : 03:08 pm
8.69 daily views
49759 total views
I spent pretty much all of yesterday trying in vain to write a soap client to connect to a web service provided by our new partner in Green Bay, WI.
After about 6 solid hours of getting the same error, a great programmer and acquaintence of mine, Jared Smith gave me a quick tip on how to fix it.
Before I get to the fix, let me say that first, I...
Computers / Linux / Programming
Mon - Apr 06, 2009 : 08:45 am
6.64 daily views
37675 total views
Disney DRM, Ripping DVDs
Lately, I've been viewing a few Disney flicks on DVD. I got Bolt and Bedtime Stories. Because I usually rent them on redbox and can only have them for a day, I will rip them, and then when I get around to it, I'll watch em' then delete them. No problems with that, as far as I can see. I rent them to view them once, and that'...
Drm / Linux
Tue - May 20, 2008 : 06:50 pm
6.37 daily views
38169 total views
FFmpeg Webcam Video in Linux
Okay... I've been wondering how to do this for quite some time, and I finally figured it out with the help of this mailing list thread.
I've always thought ffmpeg was a pretty amazing program, but now, I will build a shrine to it and worship it weekly.
Ffmpeg is the program which allows me to create a video with sound in Linux.
I hav...
Computers / Gentoo / Linux
Tue - Mar 17, 2009 : 02:46 pm
5.37 daily views
30558 total views
Outlook Calendar Events in PHP
Man, the weather's getting nice out there... Makes me not want to program. Yet, here I am.
Today I had the task of somehow getting a PHP-generated web app to generate an Outlook appointment based on database information, and have it work.
Turns out that 2 hours later, I have it functioning perfectly, thanks, in large part to this bl...
Computers / Linux / Programming
Tue - Oct 12, 2010 : 02:50 pm
5.22 daily views
26709 total views
IE min-height solution
Why does Microsoft insist on making life so hard for developers?
There are web standards, Microsoft, in case you missed the memo. Please adhere to them. It would do EVERYONE good.
Here's yet another hack to get IE to work in cases where min-height is used (according to my browsers, this still doesn't work in even IE8)
I found t...
Tue - Sep 09, 2008 : 02:14 pm
4.76 daily views
27996 total views
Evolution / Exchange Howto
I just spent the last 5 hours trying to get Evolution to connect to our corporate Exchange server. I finally figured it out, and I can now interoperate 100% with calendars, contacts, meetings, and email from our Exchange server.
Due to the wide array of configuration options in Exchange, doing a step-by-step how-to would be, for the most p...
Computers / Gentoo / Linux / Microsoft
Thu - Jul 16, 2009 : 12:28 am
4.53 daily views
25251 total views
Notes on AC3 to MP3 using ffmpeg
I recently put up a video which I took from a network broadcast, HD recording. It, of course, was using the AC3 audio code. As I was trying to get the video chopped and converted to view in the flash player, I encountered an interesting challenge.
When I put the video into kdenlive (which failed miserably to do even the most bas...
Audio / Linux / Video
Mon - Jul 07, 2008 : 10:23 pm
3.98 daily views
23683 total views
Phenom VS. Athlon X2
Ever since I built my first computer with a K6-2 200MHZ processor back in 1998, I've never looked back. I've been an AMD guy my whole computing career.
Recently, AMD has been having some tough times with their processors, and understandably, people haven't been buying their stuff as much.
For what it's worth, I definitely had my doubts ...
Computers / Gentoo / Linux